Being your BEST!

August 3, 2014

Like many of you, my last twelve months have been full of great events and great challenges to match.  It wasn't long after my marriage to Jim that he developed a mysterious ailment that affected his breathing and resulted in two separate hospital stays before Thanksgiving and Christmas.  In the past, we had both been through physical and emotional trials that could get the best of anyone.  Yet with these most recent trials, came joy and intent to make the most of what had been given to us in our lives.

I believe it is in these moments of challenge and frustration that we have the chance to prove to others, and above all to God and ourselves, what we are all about.  It would have been easy to get discouraged and use medications to relieve pain.  I, personally, have often felt powerless to cope with something over which I had no control of in my own body or upon something that affected my loved ones.  Fortunately, I've learned an important lesson from the example and struggle of others whom I admire.  Rather than give in or give up on aspirations, I realized the answer was still in my control.  It would take using the path less traveled; something that all who have achieved tough goals understands.  Yes, I discovered once again that getting my home business going or making my body stronger would take hard work - even sweat and tears.  The answer wasn't adjusting my pain threshold, but the willingness to stop avoiding the pain necessary before positive change could occur.

So, if any of you are going through painful times, I pray for your patience to endure the struggle it might take to recover and succeed on your journey.   Being your best or simply getting better starts with commitment and then takes actions.  Actions like eating less and exercising through soreness.  Actions like making the outreach to clients and accepting competition and possible rejection along the way.  Actions like Jim underwent with his doctors on therapies that have made a huge difference in his health.  None of these actions were a piece of cake, but positive results started to appear with the decision to act!

Few choices that lead to being your best are easy.  Success, vitality, and even survival springs from our positive intentions.  May you have the desire and belief that you and your loved ones will improve with effort. May we all have the courage to get moving in the right direction as soon as possible!

With Love,


April 1, 2014

With all the news about the lost Malaysian flight, it has caused me to reflect on my own life and how at times I felt off course or even lost.  During these times, I felt disconnected from who I wanted to be and knew I had to quickly get myself upright again.  In previous blogs, I’ve discussed the idea of knowing where you are and using anchors to ensure you don’t drift off course.  It’s important that if you have wandered in the wrong direction to realize it as soon as possible in an effort to resume your life as it was meant to be - sound, safe, and whole.

This is not to say that being in unfamiliar territory during our journey in life is a bad thing.  Sometimes I’ve experienced the most growth and learning by taking a course into uncharted areas of my life.  With good intent and planning, nothing should stop us from taking a leap of faith that could lead to exploring your boundaries and discovering new things about your capabilities and the big world around us.  The difference between being lost and pushing into new paths isn’t about how comfortable you feel, but how connected you are to your mission.  Sometimes during great trials and challenges, I’ve had peace knowing that I was where I was supposed to be and that God had intended for me to develop character.

May we all find our way despite endless twists and turns on this journey called Life.  May the person in the mirror always reflect what you admire and desire others to see in you.

My love today and always,

What's stopping you?

February 6, 2014

I was recently thinking about what holds us back from doing some of the most important things in our lives.  I believe that fear is possibly the #1 greatest deterrent.  Like most of us, I have never wanted to disappoint myself or others in my life, so taking that big leap towards stepping out of my shell almost always came with risk.  I’ve learned that if I want to accomplish something big, I have to eventually let my close family and friends know my intentions.  Because I feel strongly about what others might think, I noticed that by telling them, and making my commitment public, it helped me to make the big changes that I was seeking.

What I found works during time of doubt is to first be my own cheerleader.  All I have to do is look back on previous successes or lessons I have learned in order to gain that confidence.  However, to address fear of what others might think is quite tough indeed.  I’ve heard it said many times that all rewards in life come with some risk.  I also know from experience that some of the worst feelings I’ve ever had weren’t caused by risks I took, but ones that I didn’t take.  Rather than letting fear stop my progress, all I have to do is think, “What if it did happen?"  When I fast forward my vision and see my successes, instead of possible failures, it gives me the courage to face that fear knowing that I might always face regret if I didn't act upon those opportunities. Who wants to look back on their life and regret not taking the step you knew would make all the difference to your happiness or fulfill a dream? If you’ve been asking yourself “what if” lately, maybe you need to examine what is stopping you.  May we all have the strength to do those very things that might seem impossible.  If taking that first step gives you a sense of purpose and inner peace, what do you have to lose?

Let nothing stop you!!

Life is a funny thing!

December 29, 2013

I’ve been thinking lately about how our lives often reflect the same warmth or coldness we show others.  Like granting wishes, I’ve always found that giving kindness to others paid off in my own happiness.  Likewise, when I found fault in others, negativity and clouds formed in my own life. Rather than waiting for someone to do good things for me, I can infuse feelings of joy in someone else by doing something special or by simply smiling or paying someone a compliment. 

Have you noticed lately a growing sense of entitlement in our society as if more people feel they are being shorted by events, people, or circumstances in their life?  Instead, could it really be a case that our society is showing less gratitude and appreciation?  Even with an improving economy, many seem to be stuck with a gloomy outlook and cold feelings toward others.  Personally, I’ve noticed that having a sunny and grateful disposition has produced even more blessings in my life.  It’s as if I got in return what I expected to see.  The more positive and cheerful I remain, the more I experience it in my life.

While hidden by clouds at times, may we all feel the ever present sunshine that is available when we share our warmth with others and feel it reflected in return.


The Next Dozen

September 11, 2013

I had a few thoughts about how the last twelve years have brought so much change to our nation and to our lives.  It's hard to believe all the things that have transpired since the horrible events that occurred in NYC, Washington D.C., and over Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001.  The bigger question might be, what is going to happen on our journey over the next dozen years?

While 9/11 marks a tragic event in our nation's history, it also demonstrates our resilience in the face of unseen enemies.  During the last 12 years, like so many people, I too have experienced setbacks and unexpected changes that totally surprised me.  However, with the bad has come a new appreciation for all the good that has occurred during the same time.  Despite all the wars and calamities life has shown us over the decades, I have decided to concentrate on what lay ahead on the journey and learn from the things now in the past.  Even though none of us are getting younger, I refuse to believe the best days for our country and my own life are behind us.

If you haven't seen the 9/11 Memorial in lower Manhattan, I suggest you visit to let a tribute to heroes and lives suddenly ended touch your soul.  Like our nation's other recoveries, 9/11 has taught me that good will triumph over evil and the best days are still ahead.  We can decide what the next 12 years can bring by not giving up on personal challenges.  For each of us, 2025 will be what we intend it to be.  We can't control what others do in life, but we can choose how we will react and what we do with our special gifts.  May God bless all of you and our nation on this somber day of reflection.

With Love,

We are all volunteers!

May 18, 2013

As many of you know, I have been a passionate volunteer for many causes throughout my life. In pageantry, one of the common aspects of holding a title is to support a platform or cause that the crown bearer choses in order to have power or control over. During my own volunteering, I often wondered what powers others to help strangers. In the process of serving others, one common element keeps appearing - that we are all volunteers. While some have been drafted in life into roles they would otherwise not volunteer to perform, most of us perform paid or unpaid tasks without being forced. That makes us all volunteers, whether in relationships at home with family and friends, at work with colleagues, or at large in our communities supporting charitable activities. We choose to participate at some level determined by our own motives!

So what motivates us as volunteers? My friend was a former Air Force Captain who was compelled by order into dangerous duty. However, it was not force or fear that motivated him. Instead, he told me that it was his desire to accomplish missions that were far greater than his own personal wants. I believe that as humans it is a common purpose we all have that compels us to act with integrity and to keep promises to those we make commitments to, whether paid or not!

We all want to surround ourselves with willing and dedicated fellow-volunteers by sharing a vision of making good for our charities. Volunteers, also, need to know that they are needed to make it happen! Let’s never forget all of our efforts to bless those lives that we support daily with tender loving care!

Please continue to support one of my causes - the Make-the-Wish Foundation. Wishes are only made possible through the hard work of many dedicated staff, volunteers, and other supporters.

With Love,

Time to Cheer!

March 30, 2013

Have you ever noticed how fans eagerly cheer as sports heros enter the arena or field of play?  Doesn't it feel odd that we don't see or hear cheering as much as we like or need in our lives?  Yes, I've cheered professionally in grand stadiums myself and we all cheer for loved ones or friends at graduations, performances, or contests of beauty, talent, or strength.  Still, I feel that we all need to cheer and hear it more frequently in life.

In many settings, I feel the absense of heart-felt cheering.  I've encountered so many who lament that they have no feeling of deep appreciation for their achievements or sacrifices.  What a terrible shame!  I believe that many suffer from the idea that cheering might give someone a "big head."  If that is the worst consequence, so be it.  All of our friends, family, and work colleagues need to hear and feel our appreciation!  If others laugh or take me less than serious because I decide to cheer the success of others, so be it.  It's Time to Cheer and LOUDLY!

At the base of what motivates a young child or newly adopted pet is this need to be acknowledged by ones who are close.  Sure, distant fans and social media acceptance are great for our egos, but it is from people with whom we regularly interact that we need appreciation.  I have been blessed by family and friends who support me through thick and thin.  I thank God for them everyday!

I have an idea that unfortunately feels original in this tough and demanding world.  Even if co-workers stop cheering and we feel unappreciated ourselves, we have the chance to let someone know our thanks.  Reach out to them personally and to their parents and bosses to let them know we appreciate all their efforts.  Life wouldn't be the same without these positive moments of acceptance and acknowledgement.  Our imprint in the sands of life will be left whether others acknowldege them or not.  However, they will mean that much more to the person leaving their mark that others see and feel them.  Let's do our best to leave positive impressions in life, and with excitement, let others know what they do we also see and feel too!

Please consider a volunteer job or donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation in your state.  Every donation, no matter how small, is put to such excellent use for such beautiful young hearts in our country.  Click on this banner to find a donation that's good for you.

My love to you today and always,


March 14, 2013
Just because I am a former Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader, it doesn't mean that I condone what Michael Vick did to those beautiful dogs of his.  In fact, it makes me sick to this day to think of it.  I am a firm supporter of the Best Friends Animal Society in Utah who took in 22 of Vick's distraught Bad Newz dogs.  Best Friends cared for their every need, they rehabilitated them, they attempted to make them new again.  It wasn't easy, Vick sure did a number on them, but this past Monday 3/11 something amazing took place - six of the 22 dogs who have been adopted returned to mark 5 years of freedom. We call them the Victory Dogs!  Cherry, Handsome Dan, Halle, Little Red, Mel, Oscar and their families gathered at Angels Landing at the Sanctuary with staff, volunteers and visitors for what was just like a family reunion.
“We had a fantastic experience being with six of the families who adopted Vicktory dogs and had traveled here with their adopted Vicktory dogs, as well as their other dogs and their children,” says Judah Battista, Best Friends Animal Care director.

There were incredibly touching moments. Each dog has changed their family’s life as profoundly as their own life has changed. Richard (Mel’s dad) has become a very outspoken advocate of pit bulls. Handsome Dan’s family has a rescue group named after him, and they’ve been able to save many more dogs based in part on the public’s interest in Dan. It was wonderful to see all of their fans who showed up (over 150). They were all incredibly sensitive to the dogs’ needs.
“It was clear that the audience felt privileged to be able to meet the dogs and their families,” says Judah. “I know that I did.”
One by one, each of the adoptive families took the stage and shared some of the stories of their dogs. Over and over, we heard how the dogs have come out of their shells. How they have changed from the shy and shutdown dogs they once were.
Cherry joined his parents, Paul and Melissa, on the stage and lay down as if he were completely relaxed. Little Red played with the other dogs and enjoyed belly rubs from her former caregivers. Little Red was there with her mom, Susan, and didn’t even seem to notice the audience. Handsome Dan, who has a harder time in a crowd, sat in his doggie stroller, where he was joined by his three-year-old human sister.
Oscar didn’t join his mom, Rachel, on stage. He’s been in his home for about nine months and is still shy in such a public setting. Rachel mentioned that being connected to all of the other families and seeing how far their dogs have come gives her a glimpse of the dog that Oscar may one day be. Of course she loves him just the way he is.
Dog Care manager Michelle Besmehn says, “It was great for everyone to see how well the dogs are doing. It was a wonderful reminder of what we are all working for.”
John Garcia, who was co-manager of Dogtown with Michelle when the Vicktory dogs arrived five years ago, adds, “The Vicktory dogs have gone on to be amazing ambassadors for this breed and are helping save even more lives, which of course is why we are all here.”
Click on this link to watch a video of the Vicktory dogs at the Sanctuary:
May God bless you and all the Vicktory dogs!

Beware the Dream Stealers

March 6, 2013

Hi Everyone!  It's not often that I post something that someone else has written, but this message from Denis Waitley speaks to me in volumes, as I'm sure once you read it, it will to you too. I have surely had my share of those "fair-weathered" friends who really didn't have my best interests in mind. Those that have bullied me have attempted to bring me down, but I have since learned how to be stronge and to let their words and actions roll right off my back. I hope Mr. Waitley's message inspires you just as much as it has me. Enjoy!

"Although your own internal measurements are the most important, you will occasionally need to seek external feedback on your progress toward your goals. When you do, be sure it is from people who are truly interested in seeing you succeed. Don’t seek feedback from fair-weather friends, competitive peers, or any person who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Neutral doesn’t count. Get feedback from someone who is on your side but will still be objective and honest with you.
I’ve observed time and again that misery truly does love company. Jealousy creates some of the most miserable people I know. Surpass the achievements of your particular social crowd or your business colleagues, and look out for the slings and arrows of those who wish you were back where they are. You have to dodge the snide remarks and catty comments. Let them roll right off you. Don’t internalize them.
Only pay attention to feedback from those who have similar goals or who are working actively alongside you to achieve goals of their own. Motives and fears run deep. Study them in others. The sympathetic fair-weather friend who supports you and comforts you when you're down, may like you best when you are in just that state: down and dependent.
Ultimately, nobody else is responsible for your life but you. Nobody else is accountable for your actions but you. Therefore, nobody’s expectations for you and opinions about you are as important as your own. So make sure those take precedence in your mind over all others, and if you do need to consult with someone else, think very carefully before you choose exactly who."
Your True Friend,


February 24, 2013

With Spring less than a month away, many of us find ourselves wishing we had kept resolutions started eight weeks ago.  How is it that so many good intentions are brushed aside by life and other priorities?  Like many of my family and friends, I've been battling what feels like an endless series of illness that has drained my energy.  Coming off the tail end of holidays spent celebrating, we have faced some of mother nature's shortest days and dreariest weather.  If your body has been feeling under attack like mine has been, the last thing I feel like doing is taking on another challenge I made for myself.  I'm sure you feel the same way too!

Given the setbacks that stand in the way of progress, I'm reminded of several blogs I've written about overcoming adversity in its many forms.  Now that it seems as though pot holes are appearing more frequently on my journey, how can I stay focused on promises that I've made to myself or committed to others?  During times of doubt, I think the best we can do is repair the holes as they appear or try to avoid them as much as possible.  I believe that making resolutions and achieving goals are what takes us in new directions in life and provides a platform for growth by climbing above the very circumstances that sometimes hold us back.  While I wish I could offer some special insight that would make it easier to make and keep commitments, I find the simple truth is putting one foot in front of the other.  Brick-by-brick, we can build stronger lives and characters by being in the moment and making the most of it.  Like so many, I look forward to Spring and brighter circumstances, but it is "now" when our determination is tried and our goals are tested.  May you find those blessings you need to overcome and keep climbing higher whatever comes your way.  I wish that for the both of us!

May God continue to light our paths for the future!

Truth Be Told

January 18, 2013

We have all heard that "the truth will set you free."  We all know that telling the truth is important because it is right and people can depend on your words and promises if you speak the truth.  Unfortunately, our society is filled with examples of liars and cheaters.  Like recent headlines about years of lying and cover-up, the "truth" did not set anyone free from responsibility for what was wrong.  The more important question is what will the truth say about our actions and motivations?  Will the truth square well with your legacy and show you a person of integrity?  If someone found out the truth of your words, would they feel more likely to believe you in the future and trust your intent and commitments?

Many of us have been hurt emotionally and even harmed physically or psychologically by finding out the truth.  In some ways, a lie from a famous athlete, actor, business mogul, or politician undermines the trust we have for others in our own lives.  If we can't depend on our heroes, on whom can we depend?  May we never feel the same remorse from being caught in a lie!  I don't think that means we should all become better at not being "discovered."  Instead, may we have integrity and do what is right and true when others can't see us.  May what others see and hear from us be aligned with who we are rather than some hidden truth.  In a world of deceit, it is my prayer that others will always be able to trust you and me!

Lastly, do YOU hold the ticket to a Child's Wish!  Your frequent flyer miles can make wishes come true at the Make-A-Wish Foundation!  Do you have some to spare?  Click on the plane to find out how you can donate to this wonderful cause.

Until the next time, may God bless you today and always!

I'm thankful for.....

November 14, 2012

While we continue to restore our way of life on the East Coast after Hurricane Sandy, the temperatures are dropping and brilliantly colored leaves fill my yard.  I can't help but to look forward to Thanksgiving to have it kick off the holiday season in a matter of days.  With a grateful heart and an eager fork, my time will be shared with family and friends.  Our plates will be piled high with plentiful traditional fare and our spirits will be celebrating and giving thanks.

The holidays remind me of the grand blessings that flow into our lives on a regular basis.  As long as I appreciate the repeating themes of beauty in my life, they seem to reoccur like the seasons bringing relief, hope, and tranquility even through storms or setbacks in life.  There is no doubt that I have felt greater JOY at some times more than others.  Still, it is gratitude for little things that has allowed other blessings to be seen rather than taken for granted.  I am SO thankful for my family, friends, and my dear Lulu who provide happiness and opportunities for me to bless them by just being myself.  I'm also thankful for all the veterans who provide us freedom, peace, and security on our home soil.  I appreciate all the first responders and others who will be working through the holidays to restore our beautiful towns and Jersey shoreline.  I'm thankful for life itself and the nature present on this glorious planet.

May we all possess a grateful heart to recognize the great blessings that everyday grants to those who believe.  As always, please consider supporting the Make-A-Wish Foundation where champions are made each via wish children and volunteers.  Click on the graphic to learn more.

God bless you today and always,

Mummy Dogs

October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween!  Here in New Jersey we are attempting to recover from Hurricane Sandy, which proved to be quite destructible.  I hunkered down with my family and we survived the worst together.  I think I gained two ... um... rather ten pounds from doing nothing but eating everything in the fridge.  I made a fresh chicken roast with all the sides one night.  Pancakes the next night.  All with a glass (or two) of wine by my side.  It was a delish hurricane party to say the least!
So, on what should be a frightfully fun Halloween day, trick'or'treating here has been postponed until Friday night.  Oh snap!
Well, that just means I have a few more days to make a platter of irresistible mummy dogs.  Here's how they go ~ stretch refrigerated dough around mini hot dogs, making sure to let the meat show through the folds.  Bake until golden (about 12 minutes) and finish with capers or dots of mustard for eyes.

 Enjoy your own Halloween wherever you are! 

Until the next time... My love to ALL! 


October 28, 2012

Sharpening the Saw

Amid the preparations and clamor over the "Frankenstorm" called Sandy, I've been taking stock in all the necessities to sustain comforts even if we lose access to modern conveniences.  It struck me that I was worried about trees falling on my car and home.  Who was worried about the trees, or animals that they harbored, if they fell?  Connecting with nature and all its wonders and excitement could easily be forgotten with all the concern over managing what is beyond our control.  I think my preparations could pay dividends, but was I really taking care of my happiness and sense of JOY with the approaching storm?
After what seemed like the 50th weather report and my review of my To Do list, it dawned on me that we have to take time out to feel the true power and JOY of life.  To endure the surprises and conquer all the assignments in life, we need to have a lot of energy and desire.  Dr. Covey described this in his famous book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  He termed his seventh habit "Sharpening the Saw."  Without stopping to care for the saw by oiling and sharpening the blade, we could end up spending a lot more energy to cut through those fallen trees.  It feels so hard to take a break when consumed by the hectic life most of us face.  Without rejuvenating our mind, body, soul, and relationships, we won't have the ability to produce all the golden eggs (successful outcomes) expected from busy geese.  Honk honk!
At this time last year, I created a bucket list for Fall.  Ironically, we had an early snowfall last October.  This year, we're facing the Frankenstorm.  I'm sharing some of my ideas for Sharpening MY Saw to regain perspective, renew strength, and revitalize JOY in our lives.  It is my hope and prayer that you enjoy these ideas and that you take the time to preserve and restore happiness in YOUR life.

  1. Exercise until exhausted
  2. Improve what you eat and drink
  3. Learn (read, listen to audio programs, attend a seminar)
  4. Think deeply about your motives
  5. Meditate and take a quiet moment away from distractions
  6. Write in your journal
  7. Have a deep conversation with someone
  8. Review your goals
  9. Organize your home, office, or calendar
  10. Go on a date that requires conversation and movement (dance, walk, play tennis)
  11. Clean some things off your plate (complete a task that you've been procrastinating)
  12. Let your worries go
  13. Connect with nature
God bless all of you who are about to endure (or have been enduring) the wrath of Hurricane Sandy.  It's just about to hit here in New Jersey.  I pray that my family, friends, and everyone will stay as safe as possible.  Godspeed!

Opportunity Knocks

October 22, 2012

Recently I was diagnosed with pre-cancer colon cancer.  Only 13% of those in their 40's (me, I'm early 40's) are diagnosed with such.  Was I surprised?  Yes.  A bit scared?  Yes.  On treatment medication?  Yes.  Have an educated and talented doctor?  Yes!  Have you noticed how many famous quotes use doors to illustrate both opportunity as well as barriers in life?   I believe our ultimate success is a matter of how we see closed doors or even ones that get slammed in our face at times.   A wise saying goes something like “when one door closes, another opens.”  What is often not included from the remainder of this quote is “but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which is open for us."   In life, it takes actions in addition to faith to open doors.  Our attitude can lift our eyes to see the passage forward, whether through another door, or over a challenging mountain, or even through a valley of despair.  In the past, I’ve written about my own setbacks and disappointments.  As terrible as it feels at the time, my real challenge comes from whether I can get past my setbacks that occur in my life.  I mean, haven’t we all been our own worst enemy at times when it comes to dwelling on troubles or failures?  I know I have!

We’ve all felt a door or two close on part of our journey.  Maybe what we see as failures was only meant to lead us in another direction on a path to the happiness and success we seek.  I’ve noticed that the longer I look back, the less I can see what is still in front of me in life.  It is my hope that we can appreciate what we have and also see the abundant JOY that is in store for us when opportunity knocks. Because it will!
God Bless,


October 10, 2012

After a recent outing with a girlfriend, I was struck by how human relationships are like moving objects. Of course we’ve all felt the ebb and flow of relationships in our lives. We seldom see a BFF from high school or college after taking a “different direction” in life. As friends get married or “move away”, they often start living their own lives. And yes, some people and even family members simply “grow apart”. 

I’ve noticed that in life, we are always moving due to forces and individual events. Whether with friends or family, we have choices to make about our close relationships. It seems very rare that we can stay on the same path, direction, and speed as others. In reality, we make many decisions about how we interact with others as we attempt to find and maintain our own happiness. The consequence of our choices is emotional distance in our relationships. Will the path and actions we take bring us closer together or farther apart from those in our lives? Will a distraction slow our movement or bind us to unhealthy relationships while others seem to pick up speed? Personally, I think it’s a great idea to surround ourselves with those who will support our dreams and provide us lasting JOY, wherever that takes us! It is my hope that we can take account of the distance between ourselves and friends or loved ones. With prayer and effort, may we draw closer to those we need the most and attract others with whom we want to spend precious time in this life!

Please continue to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation. No matter what state you live in, YOU can make all the difference in the world to just one child who is suffering from a life-threatening illness. Thank you for being their wind beneath their wings!


September 11, 2012
Remembering September 11th

September 11, 2001... a day that I will forever remember where I was when the worst happened.  You too?  I can imagine.  As if to improve my memory of those events, my mind seemed to take extra pictures eleven years ago on this day.  A day much like today in fact ~~~ a Tuesday with clear bright sunny skies.  Without conscious thought or effort, my brain knew what was happening was important information and I stored it in such detail that I will always remember the events.  After those horrible moments that were further imprinted by television and the internet, I knew that our lives as Americans would never be the same.

1 WTC rendering.jpgSince that ill-fated day eleven years ago, many of us have suffered personal losses.  Loved ones have passed away, relationships have failed, or our health declined.  Many have lost jobs that add to despair and make us long for times before the financial strain that affects our great country.  Despite having vivid memories of the fierce adversity we face in life, I believe we can learn from challenges and attain new heights. 

Like a monument to our resilience, the Freedom Tower continues to grow in view of one of history’s most devastating events.  As I boarded the Queen Mary 2 last month and sailed beyond the water's edge of NYC, the gleeming Freedom Tower (now called 1 WTC) was a vision of what has risen from devastation.  May we, too, rise above setbacks as a tribute to those who have fallen and may we exercise our strength and persistence in the face of whatever we encounter in life.

God Bless America and
God Bless You,

Small Stuff

September 3, 2012

After an incredible Transatlantic cruise from New York City to England with my mom a few weeks ago, she paid me a compliment that got me thinking.  She said, "Heather, it's great that you don't sweat the small stuff in life."  Since retiring as a Doctor of Infectious Diseases, my mom has continued a life of contribution that almost demands sweating the small stuff for others.  She admires a trait in me that comes naturally for some but eludes so many other blessed people in this life.  I find that worrying does little to change the outcome of my concerns.  In fact, worrying about every little thing only seems to exhaust my willpower and reduces my capacity to resolve the real challenges I face in my life.  An example I have from the luxurious cruise came after being blocked from using my iPhone.  I discovered very expensive data charges that were unfairly added to my bill despite acquiring a plan to cover cruise related costs.  Some might not understand how I could get past an unsatisfactory resolution to restore my phone service after returning to the states.  In the grand scheme of things, the phone charges have little influence over me unless I decide to worry about something over which I have only partial control.  Instead, I decided to concentrate on the beautiful experience my mother was providing to me with her generosity and didn't sweat the worry of dealing with AT&T until I arrived back in the states.  (My father, too, was so very generous to assist me in paying the hefty bill.)

 I find that SO much of our lives COULD BE spent sweating all the things "going wrong."  And yet, isn't it so much better to look up and see the sun shining or birds singing; such little things that we often take for granted.  We can choose to smile and be happy on the journey even when we encounter bumps in the road.  I like to remember the wise saying The Journey is the Reward.  My wish to you all is that you may have peace and joy that comes from appreciating the small things rather than worrying about all the wrong things in life.
All my love,


June 3, 2012
When life gives you
L I M E S, rearrange
the letters until they
say S M I L E.

Recently, I heard a saying that caused me to consider the power we have to change our behavior in light of things gone sour in our lives.  “When life gives you LIMES, rearrange the letters until they say SMILE.”

How can we rearrange our response to events that cause bitterness?  I believe it starts with how we learn to accept the taste of things that aren’t always sweet.  Many of life’s greatest lessons are found in bittersweet moments that teach us the nature of limes.  When I feel hurt by someone’s words, their unkind treatment, or their lack of thoughtfulness, I’ve found an apology can put a smile back on my face and also on the person hearing it no matter how bad the situation was.  Even in the face of an ungrateful response to our efforts, we can still feel the pleasure and smile that comes from doing what is good and right.

Just as limes can add another flavor to super-sweet desserts or drinks, things gone sour can provide greater perspective in our lives.  Without the bitter, how can we know the sweet for which we smile so freely?  May we see opportunities to change our perspective and actions when we experience distasteful moments that come with life that is otherwise too sweet to imagine J.

Continue to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  Every little bit helps!

Happy Mother's Day

May 13, 2012

Mother’s Day is an absolutely splendid time of year.  I’m so blessed to have my beautiful mom near me, thriving in her busy retirement years.  She has been a guiding light to me since the day I was born and continues to this day to love me unconditionally despite my crazy wonderful ways.  J  I admire her.  I appreciate her.  And, I love her with all my heart! 

Here’s a delicious Pound Cake recipe to make for your mom.  It’s my favorite and has been a stand-out in my recipe book for years.

Butter Pound Cake

* 3 cups all purpose flour
* 2 cups Sugar
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 1 tsp salt
* 1/2 tsp baking soda
* 1 cup buttermilk
* 1 cup butter, softened
* 2 tsp vanilla extract
* 4 eggs

Heat oven 325 degrees.  Generously grease and flour 12-cup bundt pan.  Beat sugar, butter, & eggs.  Add remaining cake ingredients and beat 3 minutes on medium speed.  Pour into prepared cake pan.  Bake 55-70 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.  DO NOT remove cake from pan.  Cool completely and then remove from pan.  Sprinkle with Powdered Sugar. The butter pound cake recipe is ready to serve...enjoy the cake!

 Please continue to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation. No matter what state you live in, YOU can make all the difference in the world to just one child who is suffering from a life-threatening illness. Thank you for being their wind beneath their wings!


May 9, 2012

UNLIMITED, My Future is Unlimited!

Many who battle health challenges often feel their lives have limits.  During these tough physical trials, too many of us could abandon hope.  Without the support of family, friends, and modern medicine, lives can be utterly wasted.  It's like throwing away a car because it has a few dings or needs a repair.  By putting "limits" on what might be possible to recover the condition of our bodies, we can also abandon life as "totaled" or hopeless.

If instead we choose to believe we are UNLIMITED in ourselves and our capabilities, anything is possible.  Eventually, we all face some health challenges in our lives.  It's when we understand our UNLIMITED ability to improve or restore our health, that nothing seems too hard to fix!  The battle for our well-being starts in our minds where we are capable of removing fear and negativity that harms faith in ourselves.  By first thinking we have UNLIMITED capacity for healing, we free our minds from boundaries or limits imposed by doubt.  We already have the God given traits to survive and thrive despite occasional bumps, bruises, and even serious medical conditions.

One of my favorite Broadway show tunes that continually sings in my mind regarding this very subject is from the hit show Wicked.  In the "Wizard and I" Elphaba sings about her future being UNLIMITED.  I know personally that we all can be changed For Good by simply being kind to others, supporting one another, allowing each other to grow, and appreciating others for the amazing individuals they are.  May we all practice such kindness and belief in others and by doing so change the way we see our own UNLIMITED potential to cope with whatever challenges come our way!

May God continue to bless your life!