Being your BEST!

August 3, 2014

Like many of you, my last twelve months have been full of great events and great challenges to match.  It wasn't long after my marriage to Jim that he developed a mysterious ailment that affected his breathing and resulted in two separate hospital stays before Thanksgiving and Christmas.  In the past, we had both been through physical and emotional trials that could get the best of anyone.  Yet with these most recent trials, came joy and intent to make the most of what had been given to us in our lives.

I believe it is in these moments of challenge and frustration that we have the chance to prove to others, and above all to God and ourselves, what we are all about.  It would have been easy to get discouraged and use medications to relieve pain.  I, personally, have often felt powerless to cope with something over which I had no control of in my own body or upon something that affected my loved ones.  Fortunately, I've learned an important lesson from the example and struggle of others whom I admire.  Rather than give in or give up on aspirations, I realized the answer was still in my control.  It would take using the path less traveled; something that all who have achieved tough goals understands.  Yes, I discovered once again that getting my home business going or making my body stronger would take hard work - even sweat and tears.  The answer wasn't adjusting my pain threshold, but the willingness to stop avoiding the pain necessary before positive change could occur.

So, if any of you are going through painful times, I pray for your patience to endure the struggle it might take to recover and succeed on your journey.   Being your best or simply getting better starts with commitment and then takes actions.  Actions like eating less and exercising through soreness.  Actions like making the outreach to clients and accepting competition and possible rejection along the way.  Actions like Jim underwent with his doctors on therapies that have made a huge difference in his health.  None of these actions were a piece of cake, but positive results started to appear with the decision to act!

Few choices that lead to being your best are easy.  Success, vitality, and even survival springs from our positive intentions.  May you have the desire and belief that you and your loved ones will improve with effort. May we all have the courage to get moving in the right direction as soon as possible!

With Love,

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