National MS Walk

April 18, 2010

Today was a day spent honoring one of my very best friends, Mary Moulds (Mrs. New Jersey International 2009).  In 2001 she was diagnosed with MS only 3 short months after her wedding day.  Imagine being a newlywed and having your doctor tell you that the symptoms you have been experiencing are from Multiple Sclerosis?  Well......for anyone who knows Mary knows that nothing, and I mean NOTHING, holds her back from accomplishing her goals and dreams.  She is one of the strongest women I know!

Today we spent it walking 6.5 miles in support of her and her disease.  Successfully she raised $5,000 and over the past many years combined she has raised over $50,000 for MS research.  Mary's motto in life is, “Life is not about limitations, only possibilities!”

YOU GO GIRL!!!  I'm SO proud of you!!!

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