Giving Thanks!

November 14, 2010

I am so thankful for the people in my life who have helped to mold me into the woman I am today.  I have an eternally grateful heart that continually thanks God for giving me the gift of life.

The following is an excerpt from my "About Me" page that truly sums things up.....

"But my life is grand. Really grand! I have been given the special gift of delivering powerful news to children about their most magical wishes when they are dealing with their own medical problems. What an unbelievable opportunity! But then again, I'm just me doing what I love with the people I love the most. Doing things that I have been called to do. Creating moments of sheer happiness every single day of my life. Being positive. Not sweating the small stuff. Life is indeed good. I am thrilled, humbled and honored to have today, tomorrow and the future to experience life at its greatest. Simply by just being ME!"

May the excitement of the upcoming holiday seasons give you the warmth and good cheer you so naturally deserve!

With Love,

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