Mummy Dogs

October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween!  Here in New Jersey we are attempting to recover from Hurricane Sandy, which proved to be quite destructible.  I hunkered down with my family and we survived the worst together.  I think I gained two ... um... rather ten pounds from doing nothing but eating everything in the fridge.  I made a fresh chicken roast with all the sides one night.  Pancakes the next night.  All with a glass (or two) of wine by my side.  It was a delish hurricane party to say the least!
So, on what should be a frightfully fun Halloween day, trick'or'treating here has been postponed until Friday night.  Oh snap!
Well, that just means I have a few more days to make a platter of irresistible mummy dogs.  Here's how they go ~ stretch refrigerated dough around mini hot dogs, making sure to let the meat show through the folds.  Bake until golden (about 12 minutes) and finish with capers or dots of mustard for eyes.

 Enjoy your own Halloween wherever you are! 

Until the next time... My love to ALL! 


October 28, 2012

Sharpening the Saw

Amid the preparations and clamor over the "Frankenstorm" called Sandy, I've been taking stock in all the necessities to sustain comforts even if we lose access to modern conveniences.  It struck me that I was worried about trees falling on my car and home.  Who was worried about the trees, or animals that they harbored, if they fell?  Connecting with nature and all its wonders and excitement could easily be forgotten with all the concern over managing what is beyond our control.  I think my preparations could pay dividends, but was I really taking care of my happiness and sense of JOY with the approaching storm?
After what seemed like the 50th weather report and my review of my To Do list, it dawned on me that we have to take time out to feel the true power and JOY of life.  To endure the surprises and conquer all the assignments in life, we need to have a lot of energy and desire.  Dr. Covey described this in his famous book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  He termed his seventh habit "Sharpening the Saw."  Without stopping to care for the saw by oiling and sharpening the blade, we could end up spending a lot more energy to cut through those fallen trees.  It feels so hard to take a break when consumed by the hectic life most of us face.  Without rejuvenating our mind, body, soul, and relationships, we won't have the ability to produce all the golden eggs (successful outcomes) expected from busy geese.  Honk honk!
At this time last year, I created a bucket list for Fall.  Ironically, we had an early snowfall last October.  This year, we're facing the Frankenstorm.  I'm sharing some of my ideas for Sharpening MY Saw to regain perspective, renew strength, and revitalize JOY in our lives.  It is my hope and prayer that you enjoy these ideas and that you take the time to preserve and restore happiness in YOUR life.

  1. Exercise until exhausted
  2. Improve what you eat and drink
  3. Learn (read, listen to audio programs, attend a seminar)
  4. Think deeply about your motives
  5. Meditate and take a quiet moment away from distractions
  6. Write in your journal
  7. Have a deep conversation with someone
  8. Review your goals
  9. Organize your home, office, or calendar
  10. Go on a date that requires conversation and movement (dance, walk, play tennis)
  11. Clean some things off your plate (complete a task that you've been procrastinating)
  12. Let your worries go
  13. Connect with nature
God bless all of you who are about to endure (or have been enduring) the wrath of Hurricane Sandy.  It's just about to hit here in New Jersey.  I pray that my family, friends, and everyone will stay as safe as possible.  Godspeed!

Opportunity Knocks

October 22, 2012

Recently I was diagnosed with pre-cancer colon cancer.  Only 13% of those in their 40's (me, I'm early 40's) are diagnosed with such.  Was I surprised?  Yes.  A bit scared?  Yes.  On treatment medication?  Yes.  Have an educated and talented doctor?  Yes!  Have you noticed how many famous quotes use doors to illustrate both opportunity as well as barriers in life?   I believe our ultimate success is a matter of how we see closed doors or even ones that get slammed in our face at times.   A wise saying goes something like “when one door closes, another opens.”  What is often not included from the remainder of this quote is “but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which is open for us."   In life, it takes actions in addition to faith to open doors.  Our attitude can lift our eyes to see the passage forward, whether through another door, or over a challenging mountain, or even through a valley of despair.  In the past, I’ve written about my own setbacks and disappointments.  As terrible as it feels at the time, my real challenge comes from whether I can get past my setbacks that occur in my life.  I mean, haven’t we all been our own worst enemy at times when it comes to dwelling on troubles or failures?  I know I have!

We’ve all felt a door or two close on part of our journey.  Maybe what we see as failures was only meant to lead us in another direction on a path to the happiness and success we seek.  I’ve noticed that the longer I look back, the less I can see what is still in front of me in life.  It is my hope that we can appreciate what we have and also see the abundant JOY that is in store for us when opportunity knocks. Because it will!
God Bless,


October 10, 2012

After a recent outing with a girlfriend, I was struck by how human relationships are like moving objects. Of course we’ve all felt the ebb and flow of relationships in our lives. We seldom see a BFF from high school or college after taking a “different direction” in life. As friends get married or “move away”, they often start living their own lives. And yes, some people and even family members simply “grow apart”. 

I’ve noticed that in life, we are always moving due to forces and individual events. Whether with friends or family, we have choices to make about our close relationships. It seems very rare that we can stay on the same path, direction, and speed as others. In reality, we make many decisions about how we interact with others as we attempt to find and maintain our own happiness. The consequence of our choices is emotional distance in our relationships. Will the path and actions we take bring us closer together or farther apart from those in our lives? Will a distraction slow our movement or bind us to unhealthy relationships while others seem to pick up speed? Personally, I think it’s a great idea to surround ourselves with those who will support our dreams and provide us lasting JOY, wherever that takes us! It is my hope that we can take account of the distance between ourselves and friends or loved ones. With prayer and effort, may we draw closer to those we need the most and attract others with whom we want to spend precious time in this life!

Please continue to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation. No matter what state you live in, YOU can make all the difference in the world to just one child who is suffering from a life-threatening illness. Thank you for being their wind beneath their wings!