NFL Alumni Philadelphia Chapter Cheerleader Reunion

September 26, 2009
For many months now a team of remarkable women have been planning the NFL Alumni Philadelphia Chapter Cheerleader Reunion.  It was held tonight on the Moshulu in Philadelphia.  I was the Charity Chairperson for this huge event and I am beyond elated to say that we raised $10,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey.  The night was attended by 300+ former Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders dating back to the inception of the squad in the 1940's.  We had a successful Silent Auction and a fashion show of all the uniforms dating back to inception.  My good friends Audrey Purcell and Maggie Trush-Hammond did a fantastic job pulling it together, and I couldn't be more proud of our accomplishments as a team.  It was a night we will never forget!

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