Donate Airline Miles

June 14, 2010

Do you travel for work?  Do you have frequent flyer miles that you aren't using?  The Make-A-Wish Foundation needs them!

Because many wishes involve air travel donating your airline miles is a great way to help grant wishes.  By donating your airline miles you’re helping the Make-A-Wish Foundation grant travel wishes that require an estimated 2.5 billion airline miles yearly.  Miles that were donated by in-kind donors helped  to fly 10-year-old Haley to Alaska for her wish!  And 8-year-old Zachary to Hawaii for his wish!

Or... perhaps you have a Travel Voucher that is transferable and doesn't expire within 30 days.  Your state chapter is certainly in dire need for this kind of help.  To locate your state chapter, please click here

Thank you for helping us to be able to continue granting wishes to children with seriously ill health conditions. 

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