While I didn't encounter any real potholes this morning, part of a recent conversation spurred the notion of how we all need to repair the holes in our lives. Have you encountered a personal pothole on your journey of life? Perhaps you have a chronic or sudden health issue, trouble with a loved one, or challenges at work. Like real potholes, they continue to grow and erode the pleasure of a rewarding experience on our journey. Rather than skirt the damage from personal holes, we must eventually face the menace with something other than simple patches. Have you ever seen the same pothole, filled with a temporary patch, only to discover it a short time later in a worsened state? Our dentists know that a strong and sturdy filling must first address removing underlying decay. Capping something that is rotten or dead in our lives is a recipe for repeated trouble on our journey.
Perhaps the personal hole in your life can only be corrected through comprehensive change. While some repairs in life cause pain and inconvenience, the answer really comes in thorough examination and solutions that remedy the source of our holes. Maybe we need to take jack hammers to parts of our lives, rooting out the problem, and replacing a whole section of the journey. Only by repairing problems, rather than using bandaids and pain killers, can we find peace, health, and contentment. It is my hope that you can plan and execute whatever actions are needed to restore that part of your journey that can bring lasting JOY and happiness again.
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