During this time of global financial turmoil, one might be tempted to judge where they stand in life only in terms of monetary measurements. More importantly, are we checking where we stand individually in our relationships with friends, co-workers, and loved ones? Are you deeply in debt or over-drawn emotionally with someone important in your life? Has someone drawn against their positive balance or ruined their credit standing with you by taking more than giving? Although financial management matters in life, this accounting of love is far more crucial to peace and happiness than money.
How can we build a treasure of good will with others in our life? To cope with stress and challenges, we all need to fill our reservoir of good feelings and trust by having a positive balance or excellent history with others. Every smile, every hug, every uplifting word, every act of kindness, patience, or thoughtful action is like making a deposit of love in your relationships. Likewise, every hurtful word or ugly expression is a demand on your relationship and can cause a deficit over time. It's no time to go to the well if it is already dry from overuse!
May we work diligently to fortify our emotional accounts with those we love and need by making steady deposits or maintaining a AAA+ rating where it matters most :).
May we work diligently to fortify our emotional accounts with those we love and need by making steady deposits or maintaining a AAA+ rating where it matters most :).
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