This morning started out so utterly sad upon learning of the passing of Laura. She was younger than I. A loving wife. A superb mother of two children. A monumental friend. She endured breast cancer for as long as she possibly could. To think we just had a benefit in her honor less than one month ago. She took a turn for the worse this past week and with her family by her side she passed away. Her physical and emotional pain is gone, but not for a second did she not believe that she wouldn't battle against the disease and win.
The dictionary defines the word believe as to have faith, confidence or trust. To have firm religious belief. To accept something as true, genuine or real. For without believing, what are we, really? We believe in our own selves every day of our lives. We believe in our abilities to battle the world around us. And we believe that we'll always come out winners. For when there are no bullets flying over head, how bad can it be, really? Having a friend pass away that's younger than I can truly help to put my own world in perspective. On this 7th month of 2011, I am grateful to my family and friends who have always believed in me and my abilities. Laura may be in eternal rest, but not first without proving to me that as long as you believe anything is possible.
May God bless Laura, her husband, her children, and her entire world of family and friends,
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