It’s amazing how we change physically, but we are still the same person inside. Indeed, our age and the state of our bodies are always changing. And yet, the principles we hold true and what we think and practice regularly are more telling of who we are. The outer shell is just that, but the inner self is driven by what we’ve made habit in life. Our personality, character, and soul are what others “see” without using their eyes to judge. Are you thirty, forty, or sixty and still feel the same passion for life or do you believe your day in the sun, your moment in the spotlight, or day of glory has passed? Despite external factors that occasionally rain on our parade, we can feel the same sunshine no matter of age or physical condition.
Like the sun, our inner self anchors and reminds us of the bountiful blessings we experience on the journey. Is this your day in the sun? Oh, yes! Love is just as poignant and beautiful as when you first discovered it. Every day presents an opportunity to bask in the sunshine of life; to grow and learn from our experiences! Sure, age and physical circumstances can influence our outlook. Ask yourself who is in control of that outlook and you’ll see the person in the mirror. Are you seeing the same talents you possessed, but more refined? Do you have the same youthful energy and enthusiasm for life or loved ones? Is your faith unshakeable and confidence as high as ever? Or is your life full of the same worry, self-doubt, and disappointments? Let it not be the latter.
Passion is not just for the young, strong, and healthy. Remember that your inner glow is an eternal source of limitless influence on others. Let your light so shine as the glorious person you are and God intends for you to be!