February 16, 2011
Well, I officially missed Valentine's Day due to Mr. Flu or Ms. Sinus Infection (don't you hate when they come to visit?), but I'm getting myself back on track and back in action again. Whew! As I've been lying in bed these last many days I've been focusing on the word 'hope'. H O P E ! It's such a friendly word. It's comforting too, as I have received so many messages of HOPE from so many of my dearest family and friends saying, " I HOPE you feel better soon, Heather." All these notes of cherished HOPE have truly warmed my heart with love. Thank you for all of them!

The word HOPE can best be described as
a wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment. That's so true, isn't it? We awake every morning of our lives in
hope of a new day, in
hope of feeling fulfilled, and in
hope of giving and receiving love. Today as I awoke I took Lulu around the block for her morning walk and I was instantly greeted by a brilliant bright sun and slightly warmer weather. It was as if the sun was saying, "Good Morning and Welcome to a new day full of HOPE where anything is possible!" All our HOPES and dreams can come true if we have the courage to believe them. What a line, right?! I HOPE that wherever you are you are feeling HOPEful and happy today. I HOPE that it was a good day for you. I HOPE that you accomplished all that you set out to do. That you had the chance to feel on top of the world with a pocket full of glee. You deserve it and have worked so hard for it!

I HOPE... for cures to ailments, namely breast cancer; heart disease; lupus; MS; Alzheimer's.
I HOPE... for children throughout the entire world to be granted their most very special wishes through the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
I HOPE... for blue skies, singing birds and pretty rainbows.
And most of all I HOPE that you are feeling loved. To love and be loved is the greatest gift of all. God is good!
With faith, HOPE and love,
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