As I sit here on this cold Friday night here in New Jersey I recall the hours that went by today and rejoice in knowing that TODAY was an UNBELIEVABLE day! For anyone who has dreamed of wishes coming true, well I am here to tell you that THEY DO! All you need to do is dream! You see, today is Macy's National Believe Day with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. That means that it's double the Santa Mail at all your Macy's stores and double the wishes being granted by every chapter in the United States. This 2nd annual Day is sponsored by Macy's department stores and celebrates the true spirit of this Christmas season, which is to inspire kindness and generosity from coast to coast. Across the entire United States. I honestly believe that humanity and charity to others is the key to success. In giving, we are receiving!
Santa's sleigh is alive and well and if you listen close enough you will begin to hear his sleigh bells ring. Dream big, make your wishes count, and oh one other thing, clean out your chimneys so Santa doesn't get too dirty on his way down to surprise you with all your wishes come true underneath your Christmas tree on December 25th, especially to those children who battle with serious illness and simply want to be kids again. A BIG thank you to Macy's and of course, my favorite, the Make-A-Wish Foundation!
Just believe,
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