June 29, 2010
This week is a super special week for me. I'm SO SO excited! I get to deliver not one, but TWO travel packages to two of my wish kids for their upcoming wishes that are being fulfilled next week. One of them is spending a week out in the wildnerness camping with his family. The other one is jet setting across the ocean to spend a week in Italy with his family. Both these precious boys have been sick for quite some time and for them to have this INCREDIBLE opportunity to experience joy and to forget about their doctors and hospitals for a bit .... well it doesn't get much better than that! But not only will these boys have the time of their lives, but their families will too. Parents and siblings are just as overwhelmed and thrilled as the wish kids. It's SUCH a joyous occassion for everyone!! (including me!!)
God bless the Make-A-Wish Foundation!
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