Granting Wishes One Child at a Time!

June 29, 2010

This week is a super special week for me.  I'm SO SO excited!  I get to deliver not one, but TWO travel packages to two of my wish kids for their upcoming wishes that are being fulfilled next week.  One of them is spending a week out in the wildnerness camping with his family.  The other one is jet setting across the ocean to spend a week in Italy with his family.  Both these precious boys have been sick for quite some time and for them to have this INCREDIBLE opportunity to experience joy and to forget about their doctors and hospitals for a bit .... well it doesn't get much better than that!  But not only will these boys have the time of their lives, but their families will too.  Parents and siblings are just as overwhelmed and thrilled as the wish kids.  It's SUCH a joyous occassion for everyone!!  (including me!!)

God bless the Make-A-Wish Foundation!

20 YEARS ~ 20 WISHES with E!

June 26, 2010

Do you ever watch the "E!" channel?  It's a fun channel with lots of celebrity scoop, right?  Well, in celebration of E!'s 20th birthday the network is helping the Make-A-Wish Foundation grant 20 wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. Please click here to make a donation now to help them reach our goal of granting 20 wishes in 2010.


June 25, 2010

My Friends,

Virtually all of us have known or been impacted by a child or teenager with a severe life-threatening medical condition.  Outside of hospital rooms, medical charts and IV bags they don't know too much else.  Being sick is very scary for children!  Ever so slightly they can here the whispering that goes on between their parents and their doctors outside the door of their hospital room.  They see the bravery that their parents and family show them, but know they are holding back their tears.  For many of these children time is of the essence.  Their family grasps at anything to create happy memories for their loved one.  And.....then the Make-A-Wish Foundation enters the picture with huge loving arms open wide ready to grant these incredible kids their most special wish EVER!  Many times these wishes that the MAWF grants are the best lasting memory that the child and family have together.  But just like many of us, the MAWF struggles to make ends meet too.  They are a non-profit charity and without funding they are useless.  That's why I'm making today "FIVE DOLLAR FRIDAY" to help generate more funding for them.  Won't you PLEASE consider making a small $5.00 donation to this wonderful foundation?  $5 is less than going to the movies.  $5 is less than a mani/pedi.  $5 is less than I paid for my lunch at work today!!  Please click on the "DONATE" button on my charity badge above to be taken directly to the Network for Good website where you can make your $5 contribution either via credit card or paypal.  It's completely safe and will go directly to my state MAW chapter.  Thank you for helping to pave the way to create happy and joyful memories for kids!!


Make-A-Wish and Social Networking

June 22, 2010

Isn't it amazing how social networking has revolutionized the way we communicate and share information?  With millions of people using the World Wide Web every day to stay in touch, social networking is part of our daily routine.  Fortunately between the usage of Facebook and my Blog I have been able to successfully relay heartfelt information to you about the Make-A-Wish Foundation - a truly INSPIRING foundation!  If you are not already a FAN of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of America fan page, please CLICK HERE to take you directly to their page.  Here you can read actual posts from wish children and their parents describing their most magical wishes come true!  And, as always, you can visit the the national website at to find the closet MAW chapter in your state.

Donate Airline Miles

June 14, 2010

Do you travel for work?  Do you have frequent flyer miles that you aren't using?  The Make-A-Wish Foundation needs them!

Because many wishes involve air travel donating your airline miles is a great way to help grant wishes.  By donating your airline miles you’re helping the Make-A-Wish Foundation grant travel wishes that require an estimated 2.5 billion airline miles yearly.  Miles that were donated by in-kind donors helped  to fly 10-year-old Haley to Alaska for her wish!  And 8-year-old Zachary to Hawaii for his wish!

Or... perhaps you have a Travel Voucher that is transferable and doesn't expire within 30 days.  Your state chapter is certainly in dire need for this kind of help.  To locate your state chapter, please click here

Thank you for helping us to be able to continue granting wishes to children with seriously ill health conditions. 

And the winner of "Make-A-Wish Wednesday" is.....

June 6, 2010

Congratulations to JULIE WINTER RZECHULA for winning "Make-A-Wish Wednesday"!  I received so many entries, thank you everyone for playing!  Julie answered all the questions correctly and was the winner using a computer randomizer program.  Julie is the reigning Mrs. Washington International 2010 and I can't wait to meet her in person at Mrs. International in Chicago in July.  Congrats, Julie!


1. Who was the very first “Make-A-Wish” child?  What was his wish?
The Make-A-Wish Foundation traces its beginning to one boy’s wish.  In 1980, 7-year-old Chris Greicius was being treated for leukemia.  Every day, he dreamed of becoming a police officer.  His wish did indeed come true!

2. What is the mission of the Make-A-Wish Foundation?
We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.

3. What ONE volunteer position requires the most significant time commitment, is the highest level of volunteering offered by Make-A-Wish, and requires constant training and orientations?
Wish Granting is the highest level and is exactly what my husband and I are.  How blessed we are!

4. What are the four most requested wishes categories?
a. I wish to go
b. I wish to be
c. I wish to meet
d. I wish to have

5. Who is eligible to receive a wish?
A child with a life-threatening medical condition who has reached the age of 2 1/2 and is under the age of 18 at the time of referral, is potentially eligible for a wish.

Make-A-Wish Wednesday!

June 2, 2010
Although the official start of summer is still days away (although here in NJ it surely feels like summer) the “Summer of 5,000 Wishes” for the Make-A-Wish Foundation has already begun.  To date, 194,408 wishes have been granted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation since its inception in 1980 and the summer season is always the busiest wish season of the year when up to 5,000 wishes are granted every June, July, August and September.

In honor of the start of the “Summer of 5,000 Wishes” I am holding a fun contest to start the season off with a bang.  One lucky winner will win a custom made pair of earrings made by yours truly, Heather Cunningham for Heather Hemingwa!  In keeping with the color of Make-A-Wish, they will be Cobalt and feature none other than genuine Swarovski rhinestones and crystals.  The total value of the pair will be $100.00.


You must answer the following 5 questions correctly about the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  Simply leave a ‘comment’ below this post with your answers. All 5 answers MUST be correct.  You may only submit one entry per name.

If your comment doesn’t show up right away, don’t fret, it’s simply because I may have to officially approve it first.  If you do not already have a Google account, please send me a personal email or message me on Facebook so that I can contact you in the event you are the winner.

The contest will run between now and Sunday, June 6th at Noon Eastern Time at which point I will post the correct answers and will utilize a computer randomizer to select one lucky winner from all the correct entries received.

Have fun, good luck and as always thank you for supporting the Make-A-Wish Foundation!

(Clue: For help, visit the MAW website by clicking here.)


1. Who was the very first “Make-A-Wish” child? What was his wish?

2. What is the mission of the Make-A-Wish Foundation?

3. What ONE volunteer position requires the most significant time commitment, is the highest level of volunteering offered by Make-A-Wish, and requires constant training and orientations?

4. What are the four most requested wishes categories?

5. Who is eligible to receive a wish?