We are all volunteers!

May 18, 2013

As many of you know, I have been a passionate volunteer for many causes throughout my life. In pageantry, one of the common aspects of holding a title is to support a platform or cause that the crown bearer choses in order to have power or control over. During my own volunteering, I often wondered what powers others to help strangers. In the process of serving others, one common element keeps appearing - that we are all volunteers. While some have been drafted in life into roles they would otherwise not volunteer to perform, most of us perform paid or unpaid tasks without being forced. That makes us all volunteers, whether in relationships at home with family and friends, at work with colleagues, or at large in our communities supporting charitable activities. We choose to participate at some level determined by our own motives!

So what motivates us as volunteers? My friend was a former Air Force Captain who was compelled by order into dangerous duty. However, it was not force or fear that motivated him. Instead, he told me that it was his desire to accomplish missions that were far greater than his own personal wants. I believe that as humans it is a common purpose we all have that compels us to act with integrity and to keep promises to those we make commitments to, whether paid or not!

We all want to surround ourselves with willing and dedicated fellow-volunteers by sharing a vision of making good for our charities. Volunteers, also, need to know that they are needed to make it happen! Let’s never forget all of our efforts to bless those lives that we support daily with tender loving care!

Please continue to support one of my causes - the Make-the-Wish Foundation. Wishes are only made possible through the hard work of many dedicated staff, volunteers, and other supporters.

With Love,