It's Memorial Day, which most see as the start of summer. We also remember it for the sacrifice of those who gave their lives to protect others. While the term "fallen" is used to remember soldiers or first responders, I happen to think the opposite about these fine men and women. Instead, their legacies have "risen" above the ordinary with their bravery, courage, obedience, discipline, and valor. I SO appreciate their greatness and wish the world could honor them with the peace and kindness I see in others around me every day of my life. These are the very things people give their lives to protect; as I do ALL OF YOU.
May we also remember those who have fought who continue to live today. I often feel that those who survived our nation's worst of times are ultimate hero's as well. Those whom have died gave their lives, but how glorifying beautiful to finally come to be with our God, our Father. How joyful a reunion for them! However, those that have lived remain and continue to live today with the scars of their wars, both in mind and body. They are truly iconic men and woman. What they sacrificed, what they gave, what they continue to give today; not only for our country, but for their family.
Thank you to EVERYONE who has fought and continues to fight for our freedom. Your unending patriotism, strength and passion doesn't for one moment go unnoticed.
God Bless America,