Everyone has a 'Suzy Komen'!

April 22, 2011

Everyone has a 'Suzy Komen'!  A Susan G. Komen for the Cure that is!  My personal Suzy's are my stepmother, my Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader director/choreographer/mentor, my former boss, my former boss' wife and a few others.  Who are YOUR Suzy Komen's?

On Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8th I'll be walking in the Susan G. Komen Philadelphia Race for the Cure in Philadelphia.  Susan was only 36-years-old when she passed away.  Nancy Brinker, her sister, founded the Susan G. Komen for the Cure over 25 years ago.  What began as a promise to her dying sister has evolved into the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors.

I'll be walking with Team Ra-Ras!  You all know about them, you've seen my previous blog postings.  I encourage everyone to continue to support "Team Ra-Ras Kicks Breast Cancer" on YouTube.  We have 3.4 million clicks already.  We need to reach 5 million.  With 5 million comes $50,000 from UnitedHealthcare to the Komen Philadelphia affiliate.  www.komenphiladelphia.org/video

Thank you for all your suppport,

The JOY of Taylor!

April 4, 2011

"It was everything I hope for and more, it was the best time of my life!" ~~~ Taylor

I couldn't be more thrilled to see one of my wish children featured on the home page of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey website.  This is Taylor!  Cutie pie Taylor's wish was to swim with the dolphins in Hawaii.  She did it and check out how incredibly CUTE she is!  You can truly see the sheer JOY in her eyes.  I blogged about her last year, so you might remember reading about her then.  Click on the below logo to see Taylor in all her glory!

The MAWFNJ rocks and I thank everyone who continues to support this truly inspiring and incredible foundation.

With LOVE,

You're talented!

April 2, 2011

In many ways there is nothing more rewarding than to lay down at night knowing that you helped someone else become better. You not only fulfilled your purpose for that day, you did your best. It may have been just a two-minute phone call where you encouraged someone, or perhaps you donated to your favorite charity to help fund a cure, or perhaps you gave of your time to volunteer at an event, or maybe it was simply a quick email to tell someone you loved them. Whatever it was, you should feel good about yourself because you used your talent, your influence and your experience to accomplish a goal and helped someone feel good. Don’t make the mistake of going through life ingrown. God has given you the natural ability to help other people, and always remember that God has brought people into your life for a purpose. Be aware of what you can do for others and put that awareness to good use!

Continue to support your favorite charity, and remember that if you ever come in contact with a child struggling from a life-threatening illness, please refer that precious being to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

 May God bless you today and every day,