As the summer comes to an end and we look forward to the start of back-to-school and the Fall season, I received such a thoughtful surprise by my friends at the Make-A-Wish Foundation of NJ. They rely on Mentors to teach and train new volunteers to become Wish Granters and have asked me to become a member of the select few with such a title. It is with absolute honor that I accept and take on this great privledge. I'll never forget my Mentor, Joe, who helped me to become the Wish Granter I am today. I can only hope that I can be half the Mentor that Joe was.
Wish Granters work directly with the children and their families to determine the child’s one true wish and then play an instrumental role in helping to plan, create, and fulfill the child’s wish. These specifically trained volunteers make the wish an unforgettable experience through their attention to detail and imagination. Wish Granters volunteer their time around their own schedule and must be at least 21 years old.
As I take on this wonderful responsibility as a Wish Granter Mentor I will never forget that the sole purpose of the Foundation is to grant wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. With hope, strength and joy I will do it with a HUGE smile on my face!