I have just returned from one of the most exciting and thrilling weeks of my life. I represented my hometown state, New Jersey, in the 2010 Mrs. International Pageant. I was one of 52 amazing women who came together to promote our community service leadership, our love of pageantry and our support of the International Pageant System. The director of the International Pageant System, Mary Richardson, is a vivacious and beautiful women who treated us with dignity and respect the entire week. There was no stone left unturned and I am honored to have respected the Garden State at this prestigious venue.
Although I did not win or place, the women who did were beyond extraordinary. Shannon Devine, Mrs. Southeast International, became our new Mrs. International 2010! She is a beautiful, motivated and encouraging advocate for adoption. Please visit her websites at "Shannon Devine" and "Little Miss Magic".
Thank you to EVERYONE who helped me to achieve my personal goals at Mrs. International. I could not have made this journey without you and I am SO SO honored, grateful and blessed for all your support, guidance and love. It was a week I will never ever forget, as I came away with a greater understanding of myself along with new friendships from incredible women.
God Bless,