February 24, 2013

With Spring less than a month away, many of us find ourselves wishing we had kept resolutions started eight weeks ago.  How is it that so many good intentions are brushed aside by life and other priorities?  Like many of my family and friends, I've been battling what feels like an endless series of illness that has drained my energy.  Coming off the tail end of holidays spent celebrating, we have faced some of mother nature's shortest days and dreariest weather.  If your body has been feeling under attack like mine has been, the last thing I feel like doing is taking on another challenge I made for myself.  I'm sure you feel the same way too!

Given the setbacks that stand in the way of progress, I'm reminded of several blogs I've written about overcoming adversity in its many forms.  Now that it seems as though pot holes are appearing more frequently on my journey, how can I stay focused on promises that I've made to myself or committed to others?  During times of doubt, I think the best we can do is repair the holes as they appear or try to avoid them as much as possible.  I believe that making resolutions and achieving goals are what takes us in new directions in life and provides a platform for growth by climbing above the very circumstances that sometimes hold us back.  While I wish I could offer some special insight that would make it easier to make and keep commitments, I find the simple truth is putting one foot in front of the other.  Brick-by-brick, we can build stronger lives and characters by being in the moment and making the most of it.  Like so many, I look forward to Spring and brighter circumstances, but it is "now" when our determination is tried and our goals are tested.  May you find those blessings you need to overcome and keep climbing higher whatever comes your way.  I wish that for the both of us!

May God continue to light our paths for the future!