June 3, 2012
When life gives you
L I M E S, rearrange
the letters until they
say S M I L E.

Recently, I heard a saying that caused me to consider the power we have to change our behavior in light of things gone sour in our lives.  “When life gives you LIMES, rearrange the letters until they say SMILE.”

How can we rearrange our response to events that cause bitterness?  I believe it starts with how we learn to accept the taste of things that aren’t always sweet.  Many of life’s greatest lessons are found in bittersweet moments that teach us the nature of limes.  When I feel hurt by someone’s words, their unkind treatment, or their lack of thoughtfulness, I’ve found an apology can put a smile back on my face and also on the person hearing it no matter how bad the situation was.  Even in the face of an ungrateful response to our efforts, we can still feel the pleasure and smile that comes from doing what is good and right.

Just as limes can add another flavor to super-sweet desserts or drinks, things gone sour can provide greater perspective in our lives.  Without the bitter, how can we know the sweet for which we smile so freely?  May we see opportunities to change our perspective and actions when we experience distasteful moments that come with life that is otherwise too sweet to imagine J.

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